I am Petra Blankwaard from The Hague, the Netherlands. In my daily life I work in ICT: I own Indigo Webstudio and Just Host, and volunteer at Rescue dogs RHWW, an organization dedicated to searching for missing persons with rescue dogs.
Invasion Russia
When war broke out in Ukraine, I was shocked. Since the MH17 crash in July 2014, I knew where Ukraine lay, but I did not see this war coming. It was with horror that I saw the images of Russia's invasion on television and social media. The more time passed, the more information I gained about the background of this war. And now, after three years, puzzle pieces are still being put in the puzzle of Russia's role on the world stage, and geopolitical relations.
Russian gas
Now looking back on this situation and with what I know now, as a layman, I am ashamed of the role the West played, including the Netherlands. Here I am referring to the dependence on Russia: buying cheap Russian gas was more important than moral values. This shame partly influences my urge to help Ukraine defend itself against this criminal war. The main reason for my commitment to Ukraine is compassion and the injustice done to Ukrainians.
Two lives
To my feeling, I now lead two lives: my traditional life with work and family, and a life as a supporter of Ukraine. In the morning with the first coffee I read all the news items since the previous day's conclusion. I go to work, and when I get home in the late afternoon the evening is for Ukraine: reading the news from the moment I went to work, followed by communication with volunteers and supporters on social media.
I will continue to support Ukraine as long as they need support, no matter how this war ends. And someday I hope to visit Ukraine and meet all Ukrainians with whom I have had good contact and regions Odeassa, Cherson and Kyiv.